miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

Just clil me

Let's read the last post. It's very interesting. It's about my clil unit.

The unit is called “Travelling to the jungle”. It is destinated for children about five years old. We are going to explain the distribution about the elements that compose this unit.
Learning outcomes:
-          advance the oral use of a foreign language to communicate in related activities routines
-          start using basic strategies for understanding (listening, reading)
-          recognize the vocabulary and English expressions that are related to transportation, travel and animals
-          understanding instructions and start interacting
-          participate in sonic games, playing groups meaningful sounds, words or short simple oral texts
-          listening
-          speaking
Evaluation criteria:
-          recognize the focus of the unit
-          oral interpretation incoming information in English
-          understanding the vocabulary related to transportation and landscape
-          start using spontaneously English expressions at the right time
-          discriminate some parts of the objects: colours and shapes
-          interpreting labels, images and pictograms interacting in a very basic way, using simple language and nonverbal techniques to start, maintain and end a conversation.
Subject content:
-       Vocabulary related to the transportation and travels
-       Landscapes: mountain, desert, beach.
  Travel related professions: captain, stewardesses
-       Numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
-       Ordinal numbers: ninth
-       Host of heaven: moon, star.
-       Colours: green, red, yellow, blue, orange
-       Plane shapes: circle, rectangle, square, oval…
-       Media and information: TV, radio, newspaper, phone, computer, letter…
-       Interpretation and reading of tags
-       Understanding the basic information of songs
-       Memorization of the song of the unit or  part thereof

-       Nouns: Plane, train, ship, sky, cloud, sea, kite, beach, sun , sand, water, ship, mountain, green, blue, yellow, red, jungle, tree, picture, plants, ant, frog, butterfly, elephant, lion, leopard, snake, hippo, bird, monkey, giraffe, gorilla, sail
-       Adjectives: big, small, tall, long, short
-       Verbs: fly
-          Routines : Have you ever seen a wild animal?; How was it?; Was it big o small?; What colour was it?; Which is your favourite way of transport?; Why?
-          Let’s go; Is it…?: Let’s tidy up; Do you like…?; What’s this?; Point to…; What colour is it?; Listen, please; Thank you; Very good; It’s cold; What’s the weather like today?; Which month?...
-          Classroom Management: Hello, good morning!, stand up, sit down, see you, look at…

Discourse type:
Adjectives, present simple, short questions, nouns, verbs.
Language skills:
Reading, listening and speaking.
1st session: in this session we will work with a song about the planes. The song is called “I take a plane”. After we sing and dance the song, children could be planes and run into the class simulating the sound of the plane.
We will see flashcards about transports.

Finally we will do two activities: the first one, Leaving…. Arriving and the second one, who works in a…?
2nd session: for children is very important remembering every day the vocabulary so we repeat the flashcards again and we will watch different songs.

We will dos two activities, number nine and travel information around news.
3r session: routines are very important for children so every day we talk about the day of the week, the weather…. And after that we will do two more activities. The first activity is called communication around the world and the second a trip.
For finishing the class we can play with an interactive game.

4th session: numbers are very important so we are going to count from one to twenty every day and then we will do the activities. The activities are Let’s count and a cold night in the desert.
We will watch a song about numbers.

5th session: this is the last session of the unit so we are going to work with a poster. In the poster we can see all the elements that children have studied during this unit. They can repeat the vocabulary and make pictures to show in the class.
Finally, we will do the last activity of the unit, the desert animals.

Enjoy it.

See you



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